
Friday, November 1, 2013

How to lose weight fast and how to be a cancer diet organic food


Interest kindly call 6012-3469755 Contact : Florence Leong 
Or E-mail to

Raw fruit and vegetable weight loss 

The Human Diet Revolution

Our bodies don't lie.What we eat Determines our physical condition.Raw Fodism is to eat fresh fruits,vegetables and cereals without cooking.It is the best natural diet,combining living food with temperance and comprehensive nutrition.Raw Food is full of vitality and solar energy, a sublimation of love,joy and pain of nature.It is more than food; it is life itself,a health-giving novel nourishment

WHY Organic Ingredients?
Safety: Free of pesticides and Chemicals (crucial point of Raw Food)
High Quality of Nutrition Value

Recommended to
*Modern people who want a healthy life
*Individuals who skip breakfast or have irregular meals
*Students and workers who are always tired
*Cancer patients,diabetic patients********
*Individuals with low immunity or weak constitutions

Low GI Food
GI(Glycemix index) is a measure of the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels.For the purpose of curbing various diseases,advised to base a healthy life on diet foods with low glycemic index.Nutri VRich is a low GI Food with GI value of 43

Let FOOD be your Medicine & Don't let Medicine be your FOOD....

Try our RAW FOOD all the way from Korea .... 

Formulated by a renown Oncologist, Dr. James Hwang

Health Beauty & Longevity

 Kindly Click as the Above Link..I will send u a gift.

Any Requirement kindly drop me an e-mail  :

1 comment:

  1. Selling price is RM 465 malaysia Dollar
    US Dollar will be uSD 150
